Argumentative Essays

An argumentative essay is one of the most common types of essays in college.

The essay demands that you decide on the topic to write about and then go ahead to take a position on it.

After taking a position, you should proceed to support it using credible evidence. Providing evidence simply entails using information and well-researched facts to back your points.


Education Argumentative Essays  

Arguably, an argumentative essay about education is major undertaking in education school.

Such an essay seeks to examine your persuasive skills in the advancement of a new idea or belief about something.

To help achieve its objectives, the education argumentative essay should constitute some key elements that include:

1. Introduction

2. Body

3. Claims

4. Evidence

5. Counterargument

6. Concluding statement


The above elements should be well integrated since they are all essential in advancing your essay’s main argument.

With an understanding of what is expected of you when writing an education argumentative essay, you can proceed to choose a suitable topic.


Ideas for Education Argumentative Essay Topics

Note that one of the most important steps when writing an education argumentative essay is choosing the right topic.

Although sometimes perceived as challenging, finding suitable education argumentative essay topics is not only a relatively easy task but rewarding as well.

All you need is an idea on how to find the topics.

Accordingly, just like in the case of educational research paper topics or health topics for research, looking for appropriate argumentative essay topics about education demands a thorough examination of prevailing issues.

For argumentative essay topics, the best place to begin with is by exploring the issues you care most about.

This approach is applicable in all forms of argumentative essays.

Whether it is education argumentative essay topics or medical argumentative essay topics, you should start by examining the issues you usually passionately discuss about at the dinner table, online, or in classroom.

In education, a good understanding of the discipline is critical when identifying the potential topics on entailed issues.

This requires you to pinpoint areas you have a general interest in as a source of potential education essay topics.

In this, from your list of potential topics, you should ask questions on:

1. The areas/ topics you would enjoy most researching about.

2. The particular subjects you have a firm position on.

3. The point you intend make sure you put across.

4. What new thing the topic gives you to think about.

5. The reason why someone could feel differently about the topic.


Examples of Argumentative Education Essay Topics

Argumentative education essay topics could be derived from a wide scope of areas.

Such areas could include education policies, demographics, technology, extra-curricular activities, moral and ethical issues, pedagogy, etc.

From the respective area, you can find an interesting issue and narrow it down to an appropriate essay topic.

That noted, examples of argumentative education essay topics may include:

1. Should the education system incorporate video games in instruction and learning?

2. Do the elite schools increase the divide between the poor and the rich?

3. Is online learning compatible with the tradition instruction and learning process?

4. Do the benefits of home schooling outweigh the advantages of normal schooling?

5. Should parents be actively involved in their children’s education?

6. Do schools create a conducive environment for the learners to be creative?

7. Do computers and information technology help enhance the educational process?

8. Do learners spend excessive time preparing for standardized tests?

9. Should school uniforms become mandatory requirements for students?

10. Are longer school calendars a good idea for students in higher learning institutions?

11. Should classroom learning incorporate the use of IT gadgets like tablets and computers?

12. Do college rankings have an impact on students’ performance and behavior?

13. Are exams and tests effective in assessing student’s knowledge and learning capacity?

14. Is affirmative action necessary in reducing educational gaps between various demographics?

15. Should students be allowed to move to the next grade despite not passing the current one?

16. Do instructors need to find new methods of teaching math?

17. Should students be assigned less homework?

18. Does physical activity among students improve academic performance in other subjects?

19. Should foreign languages be made a compulsory subject for college students?

20. Does the size of the class matter in the performance of students?

21. Should school curriculum focus on typing instead of writing?

22. Are standardized tests effective in assessing the abilities of students?

23. Do schools promote patriotism among college or high school students?

24. Are parent-teacher conferences important in enhancing learning and student performance?

25. Should physical education be made a compulsory subject in college or high school?

26. Are schools increasingly giving A’s to too many students?

27. Should parenting classes be made part of the curriculum in college?

28. Is arts education really important to the students?

29. Are sex education classes necessary for high school or college students?

30. Should schools put in place extra measures to help curb bullying among students?

31. Are schools responsible for the poor performances among their students?

32. Is college education really necessary for the students?

33. Would compulsory state funded education be a good idea in improving literacy?

34. Should high stakes tests be made compulsory for college students?

35. Are athletic scholarships good for education?

36. Should remedial classes be offered in college?

37. Is funding of higher education a responsibility of the state?

38. Should colleges be actively involved in regulating adverse cyber activity like cyberbullying?

39. Would regulation of homeschooling by state help improve the quality of education?

40. Should colleges support college athletes’ payment programs?

41. Is investing in smaller classes better than providing bonuses for teachers working in larger classes?

42. Should colleges continue facilitating and supporting the Prom tradition?

43. Is it necessary to constantly assess the proficiency of teachers?

44. Are illegal immigrant children eligible for public education?

45. Should there be laws allowing security personnel and teachers to be armed in schools?

46. What should be the appropriate length of a school day?

47. Is it necessary to limit or restrict students’ free speech in college?

48. How much time should be spent in high school?

49. Should schools have systems in place that test drug use among students?

50. Are group works necessary in the learning process?

51. Is it necessary to regulate religious gatherings and activities in schools?

52. Should schools be allowed to put tracking devices in the ID cards of students?

53. Are schools supposed to regulate what students carry to school as their lunch?

54. Should students be grouped based on their learning abilities?

55. Are schools supposed to develop policies to regulate cyber activity in schools?

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