Pop Culture Essays

Pop culture essays constitute some of the most fascinating topics to explore.

In college, whether it’s a 500 words essay or a 5 pages paper, topics in pop culture are some of the most interesting to write about.

Generally, such topics should be easy to relate with.

Note that this is because such topics focus on contemporary issues in the society.

Rightly, before you start looking for suitable topics in pop culture, you need to understand what this culture entails.

Pop culture, which is also referred to as mass culture or popular culture can be defined as:

”A set of beliefs, practices, and objects that are predominant or widespread in the society at a particular point in time.”

Based on the above definition, essay topics in pop culture could therefore range widely, covering popular culture categories such as:

1. Mass media

2. Sports

3. Films

4. Fashion

5. Social media

6. Fads

7. Leisure

8. Cyber culture

9. Comic books

10. Slang, etc.

How to Choose Essay Topics in Pop Culture

It is advisable to observe some basics when working on an appropriate topic.

Accordingly, you should consider a number of factors when finding pop culture essay topics.

Such factors include:

1. Whether you are allowed to choose your topic or you are provided with a list of topics to choose from.

2. Pop culture essay requirements, including length and areas of focus.

3. Amount of knowledge or information you have about a particular topic or area you intend to explore.

4. Instructor’s view about the topic.


While considering the applicable factors, you can go ahead and find suitable pop culture essay topics.

Examples of topics in pop culture to choose from may include:


Mass Media

Mass media topics in pop culture would focus on newspapers, radio, television, and internet.

Note that mass media is a very powerful tool in the society. This power gives it a major influence on popular culture.

That observed, common pop culture essay topics include:

1. Role of mass media in enhancing fashion preferences among teenagers.

2. Display of the “American Idol” in US pop culture.

3. How mass media has augmented the influence of celebrities in the society.

4. Role of mass media in etching stereotypes about different groups.

5. Effectiveness of mass media promotional campaigns in modern society.

6. How mass media influences media consumption tastes among different audiences.

7. Role of mass media in the spread of unverified and untrue information.

8. Spread of misinformation on the internet.

9. Whether mass media should be allowed to publish individuals’ personal information.

10. Influence of giant print media companies on the press.

11. Internet and the emergence of global celebrities.

12. Shift of mass media institutions to social media platforms.

13. Role of internet in influencing politics and governance.

14. Prominent use and display of human body in mass media.

15. Role of mass media in spreading the American pop culture across the globe.

16. Contribution of radio to pop culture in the modern times.

17. Problem of information overload from internet media sources.

18. Role of mass media in tempering conversations on popular culture.

19. Emergence of internet as the main mass media platform.

20. Resemblance between mass media platforms and social media platforms like Twitter.




Music is also a key area to focus on when looking for topics in pop culture.

As major source of influence on popular culture, music provides numerous opportunities to explore, including its evolution and its impacts on society.

Topic examples may include:

1. Features that make Latin American pop music distinctive.

2. Influence of pop songs on teenagers.

3. An examination of the most unique pop music era.

4. Influence of pop music on a particular community.

5. Occupational hazards among musicians.

6. Music trends during a particular period-for example, the 90s.

7. Impacts of the digital era on the marketing of music.

8. Key characteristics of a pop music genre-for example, rock.

9. Hip-hop and its origins.

10. Contribution of key figures in the advancement of pop music-for example, Michael Jackson.

11. Evolution of pop music from a specific period-for example, since 1960s.

12. Role of film music in the creation of an atmosphere.

13. Sunshine pop, its origin and development.

14. Role of popular music in shaping public opinions about societal issues.

15. Impact of a certain album- for example, Revolver by The Beetles.

16. Relationship between popular musicians and their fans.

17. Interaction between pop music industry and the radio.

18. Lasting effect and image of popular musicians long after their demise.

19. Career path of a characteristic band-for example, Metallica.

20. Negative attitudes towards pop music among different people.




Literature is equally a good area to look for topics in pop culture.

Although sometimes viewed as a lesser form literary work, pop literature is an area that presents numerous topics to examine.

Common pop culture essay topics examples in this area may include:

1. Impact of popular culture on the culture of consumption in children publishing.

2. Globalization of narratives through modern literature.

3. Impact of technology in publishing of pop culture.

4. Role of literature in forging a common pop culture identify.

5. Place of Pulp Fiction in modern day pop culture.

6. Role of creative culture in shaping attitudes among children.

7. Use of literature in the advancement of pop culture at the expense of folk culture.

8. Impact of the comics industry on modern literature.

9. Superhero books and the spread of pop culture.

10. Effectiveness of graphic novels in the advancement of pop culture.

11. Role of literature in the advancement of pop culture.

12. Effectiveness of modern literature in the development of literacy skills among children.

13. Impact of popular culture in literature on gender identity in modern society.

14. Women literature and its place in pop culture.

15. Appropriateness of different views about genre literature.



Cinema and Television

Cinema and television is as well a rich area to explore for topics in pop culture.

The extensive content in the cinema and television industries boosts numerous popular culture artifacts.

Under this category, pop culture essay topics examples include:

1. Fandom and its role in pop culture.

2. Impact of television shows on the media consumption behaviors among teens.

3. Lord of the Rings as the greatest trilogy in recent cinema history.

4. Evolution of romance movies from a particular period-for example, from 1970s.

5. King Kong and its impact on cinema.

6. Prominent themes and ideas in movies during a certain period-for example, war in 1990s.

7. Theatre experience compared to watching a movie at home.

8. Reasons that make Hollywood and California prominent for the film industry.

9. Place of The Wizard of Oz in the populist movement.

10. Media and its role in cinema.

11. Popularity of film genres among different audience-for example, super heroes among teens.

12. Impact of Western film in the Middle East.

13. Role of cinema in depicting societal issues-for example, A Better Life and immigration.

14. Critical success of movies that are box office failures.

15. Emergence and impact of blockbuster movies on the cinema industry.



Discussion Questions about Pop Culture

From the above lists, it is evident that there are numerous topics in pop culture to explore.

To find the appropriate topics, all you need to do is ask different questions about issues related to popular culture.

To do this, you can examine a specific category of pop culture and ask discussable questions about existing issues.

Accordingly, examples of discussion questions about pop culture may include:

1. How does pop culture impact beliefs and practices in particular communities?

2. What social and ethical issues arise from pop culture materials?

3. How prevalent is popular culture in the modern global society?

4. What is the role of the internet in spreading and shaping pop culture?

5. Is there a relationship between popular culture and consumerism?

6. Should production of pop culture materials be regulated?

7. What is the influence of popular culture on interactions between different cultural groups?

8. Can pop culture damage or ruin good ideas and concepts?

9. Does pop culture materials influence individual’s personality and behavior?

10. What are the emerging popular pop culture materials?

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