Dissertation table of contents

Overview When writing a dissertation, organization is equally as important as the content. Dissertations are some of the most complex and voluminous writing undertakings in a scholar’s life. They will in some cases span to over numerous chapters, sections, and pages. Without appropriate planning and structuring, writing and reading is likely to become an arduous task […]

Critical Reflection Essay Examples

Critical Reflection Essay Critical reflection essays are a key requirement for learners in different fields and disciplines. Whether it is a reflective essay for nursing or social work, you are required to employ a particular language and writing style that aligns to your study area. It is important to note that reflective writing should be linked to […]

Mental health topics for research paper

Mental Health Research Papers Mental research is one of the most common areas explored in psychology research papers. Scholars both in psychology and medical fields will at some point be required to write a research paper examining a particular mental health issue. Whether it is at bachelors, masters, or doctorate level, you will have to come […]

Evidence Based Practice Topics for Nurses

Writing an evidence-based practice (EBP) nursing paper? What topics should you explore? To answer these questions, you need to understand what is EBP in nursing. What is EBP? What is Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing? As a nursing student, you will be required to execute evidence-based practice projects as part of your graduation program. One of […]