Rewrite my essay without AI detection.

Rewrite my essay without AI detection

For many colleges, AI generated essays and academic assignments has become a problematic area.
Should AI be embraced or discouraged?
The answer lies in what the institution intends to achieve with the written assignments.
In most cases, such assignments are designed to help develop the student’s writing skills.
AI could enhance or negate all this.

windshield survey

Windshield Survey

So, what is a windshield survey?
A windshield survey can be defined as:
A type of direct observation of community needs done while driving around and literally looking through the windshield.

nursing literature review example

Nursing Literature Review Example

Time to write your nursing literature review?
How do you write a literature review? What steps should you follow?
As reflected in the nursing literature review example below, writing a literature review is an intricate process.
So, what is expected of you?

picot question

PICO (T) Question

Applying evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing in not always easy.
Although it is one of the most important skills in nursing, its application particularly among nursing students maybe challenging.
It raises several questions.
Do you have a suitable evidence-based nursing topic?  
What good evidence-based practice examples can you reference?  
How do you compile evidence?
How do you ask the PICO (T) question?