Pay Someone to Write My Literature Review

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Pay someone to write my literature review

Why Pay Someone Write My Literature Review

Literature reviews are categorized into various types, including: 1) narrative, 2) systematic, 3) scooping, 4) argumentative, 5) integrative, and 6) theoretical literature reviews. The different types of literature review vary in their objective and requirements. While some are academic, others are more scholarly. It is therefore important to understand the purpose of the literature review first.
Are you aware that a literature review should assume a particular format? Which is the appropriate literature review format? Note that just like any other academic or scholarly work, a literature review must have a format. This format include an introduction, body, and conclusion. You should familiarize yourself with the contents of each part.
It is important to understand the purpose of a literature review in research before you start the actual writing. As it is clear, literature reviews seek to compile past research on a topic. Why do they do so? The main reasons include 1) generating an understanding of previous research and theories, 2) identifying controversies and contested claims, and 3) establishing existing research gaps.
It is evident that a literature review in research example would help provide a rough idea on how to approach the review. So, can you get one from us? The answer is yes! We have a huge repository of literature reviews in different areas and fields you can use as guides. Reach out to us and we will direct you to one.

Pay Someone to Write My Literature Review


Purpose of a Literature Review

Time to write a literature review?

Do you know how to write a literature review? What approaches are you familiar with?

Or do you have to pay someone to write my literature review?

Note that when writing a literature review, it is important to first understand what is expected of you.

This entails the purpose of the literature review.

So, what is the purpose of a literature review?

In simple terms, a literature review should:

“Build an argument on topic”


Accordingly, to a writer, the literature review should:

1.       Help refine a topic

2.       Help frame research questions

3.       Demonstrate and established familiarity with and understanding of current research

In this, after doing the literature review, the writer should know what research has already been conducted and clearly identify what is known within the topic of study.

You don’t have to pay someone to write my literature review.

Instead, all you need to do is know the good practice to follow.

This practice requires you to:

1.       Summarize and analyze previous research and theories

2.       Identify contested claims and areas of controversy

3.       Identify any gaps in research to date

Types of Literature Review

Note that literature reviews can be stand-alone documents or part of a research proposal or project.

Familiar with both?

Or do you have to pay someone to write my literature review?

Usually, literature reviews differ based on their purpose and length.

For instance, a literature review that constitutes part of an assignment may be between 500 and 1000 words.

On the other hand, one that is part of a journal article could be more than 5000 words.

Based on these two factors (purpose and length), literature reviews can be categorized as:

1.       Selective

This category employs the selective approach in its review.

It reviews one or a limited number of sources and is used in shorter literature reviews.

2.       Comprehensive

Differently, this category adopts a comprehensive approach to literature review.

It reviews numerous sources, including articles and books and is usually a chapter in research thesis or presented on its own as a scholarly article.

It is used in extended literature reviews.

Organization of the Literature Review

Do you know how to organize a literature review?

How should you do it?

Or do you have to pay someone to write my literature review?

Note that organization is very important in conveying ideas to readers.

It is one of the reasons why some choose to buy a literature review.

So, what does organization entail?

The best approach would be as follows:

1.       Cover the Basic Categories First

A good literature review must include at least three basic sections/ elements:

i)                    Introduction/ background information section

ii)                   Body

iii)                 Conclusion/ recommendations

i.                    Introduction

Just like a capstone project, research paper, or essay, the literature review should have a well written introduction.

The introduction should provide a brief idea of the topic the literature review seeks to cover.

This topic is usually the central theme the literature review is organized around.

ii.                  Body

The body constitutes the largest part of the literature review.

Writing the body is demanding, and is the main reason why most seek to pay someone to write my literature review.

In this section, you should include discussion of sources, organized in a methodical manner.

iii.                Conclusions/ Recommendations

This is last part section of the literature review.

It should discuss what was drawn from the literature review done.

2.       Organize the Body 

Organizing the Body

This entails the approach to adopt when presenting the sources.

You should use a method that helps you make this section even more focused.

The body can be organized through various approaches, including:

i.                    Chronological

The chronological approach is one of the common methods used to organize the literature review.

Do you know how it works?

Or when required to use it you will have to pay someone to write my literature review?

Usually, this method requires you to write about the sources based on when they were published.

In an ideal scenario, it would follow that sources published earlier would come first.

However, challenges may arise when sources published later talk about events that happened earlier than in recent sources.

For example, a source published in the 21st century could be about events that happened in the 16th century, while a source published in the 20th century could talk about events that happened in the 19th century.

In this case, the chronological focus gets lost.

ii.                  By publication

This is another approach used when organizing the literature review.

Understands it well?

Or will you have to buy a literature review when required to use it?

Note that the method requires you to arrange the sources based on publication chronology, only when there is a more important trend.

This approach is more applicable where there is progression in the change of practices.

For example, if there is change in the way the Native Americans hunted the bison as observed by the researchers on the topic back then.

iii.                By trend:

Ordering the literature review by trend is considered a better approach to organization.

Familiar with it? Do you have to pay someone to write my literature review?

The approach is more effective because it combines sources published in different times or periods but focusing on the same era.

For example, if the focus is the history of sailing, the literature review could focus on periods such as before 7th century, 7th – 8th century (Vikings period), 8th – 15th century, 15th– 18th century, 18th– 19th century, etc.

By employing this approach, you could combine sources published in all times to examine the 7th– 8th century period.

iv.                 Thematic

The thematic approach is also one of the most common methods in literature review.

It is usually considered a more refined approach.

So, do you know to apply it? Or will you have to seek someone to write my literature review for me?

How different is it?

Usually, this approach organizes literature around an issue or topic, instead of progression of time.

In some cases, however, the progression of time is considered.

For example, if the focus on sailing is development of sails, it should be organized chronologically.

Nonetheless, a good literature review applying the thematic approach shifts between time periods within each theme/ section.

v.                   Methodological

The methodological approach usually focuses on the methods applied in the research.

For example, a methodical approach may look at the cultural approaches to sailing by the Egyptian, Vikings, and Greek communities at their respective times in history.

Another approach would be to examine the economic impact of sailing on a community.

Pay someone to write my literature review

The question most people ask is: Is it a good idea to pay someone to write my literature review? Or, should I ask someone to write my literature review for me? Should you even buy a literature review?

First, you should understand what all this entails. With the knowledge that passing a literature review written by someone else yours constitutes academic cheating, it is necessary to clearly stipulate your goals when working with a literature review expert.

What help do you get? Is it focused on honing your writing skills? Or literature review sample is better instead?

You must ask yourself these questions.

Note that if you pay someone to write my literature review, such work should only be used as guide.

You cannot present the written for literature review as your own work. Instead, you should use it to learn how to approach the literature review, summarize sources, and synthesize sources.