A Thesis Paper

A thesis paper entails a form of a research paper advancing a particular case using facts to prove a point. The main difference between a thesis paper and research paper is that while a research paper is generally a facts finding mission, the thesis paper has to explicitly advance a certain point of view while supporting it with facts. Thesis papers are common mandatory undertakings among college and university students. Their writing however present some challenges that may include:


a) Finding an appropriate thesis topic: scholars usually have the freedom to choose the topic they want to write about. Generating topics for thesis papers is quite challenging especially for scholars with limited experience. Remember, how appropriate is your topic will determine how viable your thesis paper will be.


b) Lack of appropriate skills: thesis paper writing demands a combination of different skills. Such skills as analytical skills, research skills, critical thinking, and writing skills are a requisite in thesis paper writing. Due to lack exposure, some scholars lack these skills.


c) Thesis paper writing is time consuming: the process of writing a thesis paper is tedious and time consuming. Scholars are required to allocate their time effectively to the process among other demanding school activities.


Features of a Superior Thesis Paper

Thesis papers vary in format and size from one institution/instructor to another. The expectations could equally be different based on the educational level. For scholars to produce superior work however, they must understand the various expectations of a top quality thesis paper. Some of these expectations include:


a) It should be founded on adequate contemporary literature: the thesis paper must be built on previous research. In this, there should be balance between exploration of different articles/ studies and the ability to ensure that these sources do not obscure your prose. Although quotations are important, they should be limited to only supporting your arguments.


b) The thesis paper must clearly stipulate its aims: it should enumerate the aims it seeks to realize. These aims should appear at the beginning of the paper. They should be supported by a rationale and a framework outlining the process to be followed in realizing them.


c) The thesis should be well-written: this focuses on the coherency of the paper. It should encompass well flowing points and arguments. There should be effective transitions between sentences and paragraphs. As well, grammatical errors should be avoided at all costs.


d) The thesis paper should consider the target audience: writing the paper should consider the people supposed to read it. In most cases, this does not only encompass the examiners but also the general public. This therefore demands that the paper be in a language easy enough to understand.


The Process of Writing a Thesis Paper

The writing process is involving but rewarding at the same time. With the right approach, it can be enjoyable and educating. The scholar should be able to navigate through respective steps of writing a research paper as illustrated below:


Step 1: Selecting a Subject

In cases where the scholar has the freedom to choose the subject/topic to write about, the scholar should consider the appropriate topic putting in mind such factors as the time available, target audience, paper length, and availability of necessary information. The scholar should choose a subject they are familiar with while avoiding sensational and controversial subjects.


Step 2: Narrowing the Topic

The topic is an extremely important element in realizing the thesis goals. Narrowing the topic requires the students to go through numerous background sources about the subject under study. The background sources search should look into such factors as major issues entailed, the development of the problem under study, and the people involved in previous or related studies.


Step 3: Developing the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is essential and should clearly describe the viewpoint the thesis paper is going to advance. Remember, the thesis statement guides and controls the research extent and content. It should therefore encompass a provable opinion or an undisputable fact. The scholar should understand the characteristics of a good thesis statement since the thesis statement guides the writer on the type of materials to incorporate in the research paper.


Step 4: Developing Thesis Aims

This step is extremely important in the thesis paper writing process. It encompasses stipulating the specific intentions of the paper. It is important in helping the reader understand what the thesis paper seeks to achieve. The aims should be an extension of the thesis statement and should therefore reflect how the thesis statement will be built around in the paper.


Step 5: Taking Notes

Notes should be categorized to allow building up on specific ideas relevant to the subject under research. The notes should have headings and details of the respective sources. Summarize the content of each material to save on time. All the notes taken must relate to the thesis topic either directly or contain other information supporting the subtopics.


Step 6: Developing an Outline

Developing an outline is an essential step in enhancing the coherency of the research paper. The outline should clearly depict various topics and subtopics through the use of headings and subheadings. This process entails sorting the notes previously taken into different subtopics. The outline should ensure logical flow of ideas as supported by facts.


Step 7: Writing the Thesis Paper

This process involves matching together gathered information to appropriate headings and subheadings in the outline. It should focus on expanding the different ideas that define the research paper’s thesis statement. The student should ensure that the thesis paper assumes the right paper format; usually, the format encompass an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


Step 8: Editing the Thesis Paper

This steps entails reviewing the thesis paper to ensure that it has the appropriate content and organization. The structure of the paragraphs is equally important when editing the research paper, where each paragraph should start with a topic sentence. The scholar should also confirm that each argument is supported by evidence.

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