Nursing Thesis

In some nursing schools, nursing thesis is a requirement for graduation.

Just like nursing capstones, they impact your academic discourse.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that you do it right.

This entails assuming the correct approach at every phase of the writing process.

Whether it’s finding potential nursing thesis topics, writing the thesis paper, or presenting the thesis, it is necessary to ensure that all expectations are met.

What is a Nursing Thesis?

Before you embark on writing your nursing thesis paper, it is important to understand what the theses entails.

So, what is a nursing thesis?

It can be defined as:

A piece of academic work produced to illustrate a student’s knowledge and showcase their research skills.

Following this definition, it is lucid that a nursing thesis offers the scholar the opportunity to carry out inquiry in an area, usually with the intention of publishing their work.

This will require you to identify a problem (come up with potential nursing thesis topics), review existing literature, and apply advanced research skills.

To realize this, you should work closely with your advisors from the word go.

Choosing Nursing Thesis Topics

Finding a topic must precede research and writing.

Accordingly, you should explore different nursing thesis topics.

With help from the thesis committee, you should determine which topic suits you best.

Note that a good topic should portray these attributes:

  1. An original argument
  2. Manageable research scope
  3. Warrants academic pursuit

Usually, finding suitable nursing thesis topics requires students to study areas within their interests.

This entails exploring broad topics such as infections within hospital settings, infant mortality, or community health.

You should then go ahead and narrow down the topic by focusing on emerging issues, ethnic/ group categorization, or entailed socioeconomic issues.

Nursing Thesis Topics

Below are some nursing thesis topics you could explore:

  1. Preparing and pre-briefing for situation awareness to nurture cognitive thinking in nurses
  2. Racial discrimination, psychological distress and social support among black pregnant women
  3. Oral microbiome of pregnant women throughout the term
  4. Effectiveness of video-based simulation in building hands-on skills among undergraduate nursing students
  5. Relationship between work rewards, burnout, and nurse turnover rates
  6. Digital virtual cognitive behavior-change programs for families fighting obesity
  7. A study on sexual dysfunction and distress among patients with lymphoma
  8. Impact of mother-father relationship on perceived stress among black women
  9. Applying the social determinants of health to geriatric patients
  10. Exploring safety communication between nurse managers and patients
  11. Analysis of communication methods preferences among extubated patients
  12. Understanding factors associated with coherence and resilience among adult transgender individuals
  13. Impact of nutrition educational programs on African-American populations
  14. A study on the reintegration of human trafficking survivors
  15. Nonadherence to radiation therapy schedule predictors among neck and head cancer patients
  16. Understanding patient’s perspective about the bedside nurse first impression
  17. The role of self-stigma and trust in the healthcare provider in the decision to seek help among depression patients
  18. Examining nurse practitioner’s knowledge and attitudes towards adults with posttraumatic disorder
  19. A study on perceived discrimination and outcomes of cardiovascular treatment among African Americans 
  20. Exploring ethical decision making among nurses active on social media
  21. Relationship between positive thinking and compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and resilience among nurse practitioners
  22. Access and utilization of prenatal care in rural America and its impacts on preterm birth
  23. Generic fatigue and pain moderation founded on mindfulness-based approaches to stress reduction in cancer patients
  24. Nursing student reflection and perceptions of self-debriefing after virtual simulations
  25. The impacts of exclusive breastfeeding on term infants
  26. Factors influencing readmission of patients with left ventricular device
  27. Examination of abstinence among infants one month and older
  28. The impact of acuity-based staffing on medication errors
  29. Gastrointestinal discomforts and coping mechanisms among pregnant women
  30. Physical activity persistence among veterans
  31. Examining the effectiveness of intervention programs intended to improve chlorhexidine bathing method among hospitalized adults in surgical units
  32. Stress and coping mechanisms among parents with children with autism
  33. Social factors impacting self-management among older people living alone
  34. Experiences of preschool children mothers on goal setting
  35. Exploring nutritional status changes in patients with traumatic brain injuries
  36. Examination of anxiety caused by substance abuse withdrawal
  37. A study on the safety culture and failure to rescue
  38. A study on moral courage and moral distress residue among oncology nurses
  39. Examining the relationship between illness severity and volume of human milk in acute low birth weight infants
  40. A comparison between critical care outreach teams and rapid response teams when handling medical escalations
  41. Exploring the relationship between physical activity and inflammation along gender lines
  42. Relationship between nursing coordination and nursing outcomes
  43. A study on the relationship between cognitive performance and hearing status and depressive symptoms among geriatrics
  44. Arguments and mechanisms for support of mother’s decision to breastfeed
  45. Approaches adopted by drug recovering mothers to meet the needs of breastfeeding infants
  46. Work environment factors that encourage bullying within nurse managers work environment
  47. A study of required content for bedsore injuries for interprofessional teams
  48. Examination of severe sepsis alert and practice protocol adopted by the emergency department
  49. Examining the relationship between the emotional intelligence of a nurse and patient outcomes
  50. Evaluation of mobile phone short message effectiveness in enhancing medication adherence in rural areas
  51. The role of healthcare providers in behavior modification among diabetic breastfeeding mothers
  52. Patient, environmental, and medication factors that influence delivery times during medication
  53. Cognitive load experienced by registered nurses when administering medication
  54. Exploring how expectations and values influence a healthy work environment and migration intentions
  55. Understanding clinical growth and student motivation with the modern learning environment
  56. A study on registered nurse beliefs and practices within the political advocacy context
  57. Relationship between knowledge and acceptance of HPV vaccine among young male adults
  58. Examining self-perceived practices about hand hygiene among nursing students
  59. Feeding patterns among Hispanic women- a descriptive study
  60. A study on influenza vaccination predictors among nurses within hospital environments
  61. Examining the nurse attitudes towards reliability of new assessment instruments in skin cancer
  62. Exploring the lived experiences of spirituality among nurses working in palliative care
  63. Understanding chronic stress in relation to reproductive function among women childhood cancer survivors
  64. Examining integration levels among adults suffering chronic non-malignant pain
  65. A study on social exclusion among the hidden homeless
  66. Comparing manual patient transfer training within clinical and academic environments
  67. Examining factors that predict adherence to pap smear among women with HIV
  68. A study on the impact of chest tube-related factors on nosocomial infections risk in community-based hospitals
  69. The relationship between early life toxic stress and childhood socioeconomic disadvantages
  70. Exploring nurse’s awareness and practice of infant sleep position recommendations
  71. A study on quality-of-life predictors among cutaneous T cell lymphoma patients
  72. Knowledge and attitudes towards parasuicide among emergency department nurses
  73. The impact of home health care on post-discharge hospital return
  74. Exploring nurse decision-making on pain management during mechanical ventilation weaning
  75. Examining factors associated with breast cancer recurrence fears among survivors
  76. A study on complication rates and comfort levels for the peripheral intravenous catheter sites
  77. Effects of social support and positive thinking on resilience against suicide among undergraduate students
  78. Exploring HIV/AIDS health promotional activities among public health nurses working with male clients
  79. Self-care management among patients with sickle cell disease
  80. A study on telehealth acceptance and low medical trust levels among the elderly in rural areas
  81. Experiences of pediatric nurses during prognosis-related communication
  82. Exploring nurse lived experiences during care for COVID-19 patients
  83. Relationship between depression, emotional eating and perceptions of a strong black woman
  84. Experiences of registered nurses who initially failed NCLEX-RN certification
  85. Constipation-related distress as a predictor of quality of life among hospice cancer patients
  86. Effects of cultural education of the attitudes, knowledge, and competence of geriatric nurses
  87. Examining the relationship between fatigue related to cancer and depression
  88. Religiosity and spirituality among adults with terminal cancer
  89. Understanding of cancer pain management between oncology and non-oncology nurses
  90. Perceptions of patients about patient activation and patient-empowering after major surgeries
  91. Attitudes of terminal cancer nurses towards caring for patients close to end of life
  92. Impact of parenting behavior and relationship with child on the child’s weight loss efforts
  93. A study on vigilance among caregivers against child sexual abuse
  94. Emotional intelligence as a nurse job satisfaction factor among nurse managers
  95. Exploring a surgical pathway method designed to lower cancellation rates in operating room procedures
  96. Relationship between mid-pregnancy levels of depression, stress, cytokines and delivery gestational age
  97. Examining the application of ultrasound guided catheters among difficult access patients
  98. Postpartum stress perceptions among women
  99. A study on the effectiveness of modified early warning system score for early sepsis identification
  100. Exploring undergraduate nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes towards pain management

How to Approach Nursing Thesis Papers

As earlier noted, writing nursing thesis papers is a process that requires commitment and guidance.

You need to build the relevant skills, access required resources, and adhere to the thesis requirements set by your institution.

How do you do this?

Working together with your colleagues? Working with nursing writers or securing nursing thesis writing services?

The best approach is to get as much help as possible.

This is from choosing nursing thesis topics to writing and presentation.

We are a team of experts in different fields and disciplines. In line with our mission, we are devoted to helping individuals resolve all types of writing problems. Our writing help is offered by utterly competent professionals. We take pride in our long-standing history and ability to significantly reduce the gap between underdeveloped writing skills and expected professional standards.

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